Windlife Coolant
Windlife Wind Turbine Converter coolant is low cost specifically formulated, readily biodegradable and is next generation Organic Additive Technology (OAT).
For use in Wind Turbine converter cooling systems. Windlife converter coolant is classified as a:
- Non-hazourdous substance according to Safe Work Australia (formerly NOHSC).
- Non-hazourdous chemical in accordance with the WHS.
- Non-dangerous goods according to the Australian Dangerous Goods (ADG) code.
Windlife Converter Coolant is safe for the operator, the equipment and the enviroment.
WINDLife and our ENVIROLife Heavy Duty Engine Coolant are currently in operation at a number of Australian wind power generation farms, and at TG Coolants we are proud that our safe and readily biodegradable products are consistent with their sustainable energy objectives.
Safe for the Operator
Non-Hazardous Substance according to the criteria of Safe Work Australia
Safe for the Equipment
Provides high performance corrosion and scale protection in water cooled systems
Safe for the Environment
Specifically formulated to be readily biodegradable.
Safe to Use
Non-Dangerous Goods according to the Australian Dangerous Goods (ADG) Code

Order Code
1000 Litres:
Code: 500307
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